Re: SVN migration, any news?

Em S� 2006-07-29 �17:47 +0200, Christian Neumair escreveu:
> As we all know SVN migration was cancelled due to problems with the
> migration script [1]. Maybe somebody from the SVN migration staff could
> come up with a short summary of what has happened since the failed
> migration and whether there are any plans to pick it up anytime soon.

Ross can probably inform the nasty details better, but we had a couple
of unexpected problems (such as binary files corruption) during the
migration, fortunately spotted soon, which made us abort and reenable
CVS access.

What's being worked on now is plans, tools and tests to make the next
and last migration be as successful as it can conceivably be. No
migration schedule will be prepared or published while we cannot ensure
that the whole process will happen as smoothly and quickly as possible,
and that the result will be identical or better (in terms of
clock-skews) than what we currently have with CVS.

As usual (it happened three times already, if I'm counting correctly),
everything will be scheduled for a period when it affects the least
people/projects/deadlines possible, and will be announced well in
advance, with results of test migrations made public for everyone to
test stuff and warn us beforehand if there is something else that needs
to be fixed.

Hope this has been clear enough.

  Guilherme de S. Pastore
  The GNOME Sysadmin Team

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