Re: Fixing bug #330868 in a smart way

Has anyone looked into the use of Tim Fosters (yeah Glynn's brother) open language tools?

I know they are in Java, but this is the main point of what it addresses - the sharing of translations - while it doesn't have the "server" functionality, it does go some way to supporting the idea of sharing of translations.


PS - I'm no expert in L10N or I18N, so please excuse my ignorance...

Paolo Maggi wrote:
	I was giving a look to bug #330868 (Adding "License" button and dialog
to About dialog). It seems to me we are duplicating the same long
strings (mostly the GPL license) in most applications marking them for
translation in order to add a "License" button to the about dialog.

What about storing the most important open source licenses in a unique
repository in order to minimize string duplication and translators work?
I'm thinking to a special package like the one containing all the
languages name (the iso_639 module).

I'm particularly interested in knowing what our fantastic i18n team
thinks about this problem. Is it a real problem for you or am I on
crack? Any volunteer to set up the module?


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