Java Swing and GNOME

Swing components borders renderded incorrectly.

This one is a known jvm bug and is fixed with java 1.6. Following facts
have been gathered from the links below. These links compare the
java/swing's performance on gtk. The comparison is between java 1.5 and


1. JDK 1.5 has problems with GNOME themes. JDK 1.6 fixes that. This is
the reason why come UI components (Buttons etc) are rendered

2. JDK 1.5 supports a only few theme engines. Maybe only bluecurve

3. As a solution - the borders for the incorrectly rendered components
would have to be drawn forcefully, in which case the fix would have to
be hard coded for "GTK" and "1.5" and would be an improper fix. And it
would still NOT make the components look like the native components.

4. Suse doesn't seem to support bluecurve theme


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