notification enhancements


Trying to figure out a couple of problems at once.

First a longstanding issue, which is the Mugshot notification popups colliding with the ones from notification-daemon. As will be obvious to anyone who's looked at both, there is no way imaginable to use libnotify to get the Mugshot UI, but the two popups should coordinate so only one is visible at a time, and also they should probably share the logic for detecting a fullscreen app or detecting user idleness.

Second is a simpler thing, in wanting to do Google calendar or mail notifications, Bryan made me a design that's roughly similar to libnotify but has a few little details that aren't implementable with the current protocol version.

Third, Big Board and Mugshot are supposed to work on the last year's worth of Linux distribution releases or so, which makes it hard to modify notification-daemon, at least in the short term.

Given those issues, there are obviously long-term and short-term approaches.

In the long term, Owen suggested that notification-daemon export more of a "coordination" API, that would allow multiple apps that want to pop something up to say "I am showing something now" and block the other cooperating apps during that time.

A simple extension of that API would also provide calls or signals to detect idleness and fullscreen app / screensaver. Or perhaps it's simpler than that - maybe when an app is fullscreen or the user is idle, the daemon claims "I am showing something" and thus blocks all other notifications.

In the short term, here are some hacks I can come up with:
 - use Xlib hacks to try and determine when a notification
   window is on the screen
 - take over the notification service from notification-daemon and
   provide the same D-Bus API

Suggestions are welcome.


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