Re: 100% CPU usage while copying 8 Gigabytes

On 4/29/07, Mark <markg85 gmail com> wrote:
i was trying some stuff with wine and needed to copy some stuff from a
NTFS-3g mounted partition to a EXT3 partitions.
the copying wasn`t much of a problem, but doing anything else on the pc
while the copying was in progress was just a hell.
just the copy dragged 100% cpu usage.. i`m having a AMD Athlon x64 3200+
Venice core and i`m running Fedora Core 7 Test 4.

The excessive CPU usage is most likely either from the ntfs-3g driver
or because you don't have DMA enabled for your drives. However, it is
probably the I/O (the copying itself) that is making your computer
laggy, not the CPU usage.

Also, this is not the right mailing list, this list is for development talk.

Travis Watkins

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