Re: WAF (Was: build tools)

On 02/12/2007, Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro <gjc inescporto pt> wrote:
In case anyone is interested, feel free to try out a 100% WAF-ied
version of gnome-python:

The WAF based tarball (including a self contained waf script, which is
all you need to build) is 249K, while an autotools version is 424K.  I
could reduce the size even more if I removed and the's.  It also builds much faster, especially if you count
the ./ part, though I didn't to get actual numbers.

When I have some more time I will see about making jhbuild use waf, to
get people testing this new system.  Later, if no serious problems or
objections are found, I would like to switch to it.

One thing that concerns me a great deal is that waf does not seem to have a unit testing suite. This makes it pretty hard (impossible) to provide a no-regressions policy, especially in a dynamic language such as Python.

Maybe it is fine that all projects can just stick to the version they air with the first time, but personally I would very much like it to be a trivial matter to update the version of my build system.


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