Re: Proposed module: empathy

What happened to the discussion about blessed dependency on Telepathy and friends? I've already made my concerns about Empathy well-known so I will not repeat them here, but what I think is far more important to discuss is why telepathy should or should not be a part of the Gnome desktop experience out of the box. In the games module, for instance, there will be pressure to launch multi-player games from and over telepathy. I'm sure other module maintainers will feel the same kinds of pressures to implement this additional interface.

So in summary, WTF is Telepathy and Topaz and why should I care? (Or for the tin-foil-hat brigade: why does Nokia/Collabora care about this so much?)

On 12/19/07, Vincent Untz <vuntz gnome org> wrote:
Proposal on d-d-l:

Short description:
Empathy consists of a rich set of reusable instant messaging widgets,
and a GNOME client using those widgets. It uses Telepathy and Nokia's
Mission Control, and reuses Gossip's UI. The main goal is to permit
desktop integration by providing libempathy and libempathy-gtk
libraries. libempathy-gtk is a set of powerful widgets that can be
embeded into any GNOME application.

Requires new external dependencies:
libtelepathy, telepathy-glib, libmissioncontrol
(libtelepathy will go away at some point in the future)

Summary so far:
+ a few -1 from people thinking it's useless duplication of
   pidgin/ekiga/etc. work or not wanting to use telepathy
+ some +1 from people thinking it's going the right way
+ questions about stability
+ questions about feature set that might not be complete yet
+ API documentation needed to be written (I don't know the
   current status)
+ no API stability guarantee yet
+ current license of the libraries is GPL
   [context: if the libraries are proposed for the platform later, they
   will need to be LGPL]

Xavier can probably send an update about the feature set, the API doc
status, and the license.


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