Re: Proposed module: mousetweaks

At 2:19 PM -0600 12/21/07, Shaun McCance wrote:
On Thu, 2007-12-20 at 04:52 +0100, Vincent Untz wrote:
svn/git/bzr/...: Proposal on d-d-l:
 Short description:
 MouseTweaks is a set of special accessibility enhancements to
 controlling the mouse cursor. It provides:
   * a pointer capture area
   * a way to open the contextual menu with a left click and hold
   * a way to perform the various clicks (single -, double -, drag -,
     right click) by software without any hardware button, usually called
 Particularly, this would fill the current accessibility gap in GNOME for
 users who can move the pointer, but are not able click with any hardware
This is an analysis of the documentation, made on behalf of the
Gnome Documentation Team.  It does not necessarily reflect my
personal opinion of the module or its suitability for inclusion
in Gnome.  In many cases, I have not made extension use of the
applications or libraries provided.  Further insufficiencies in
the documentation may become more apparent with more use.

MouseTweaks currently has a user manual, and it appears to be
reasonably complete.  The fact that it's not in Gnome SVN means
that it will be difficult for the Gnome Documentation Team to
assist with documentation, and that our translators will not
be able to translate the document.

My understanding is that the community wanted the MouseTweaks
settings to be integrated into our Accessibility preferences,
but that this has not happened.  If this were to happen (and,
perhaps, even if not), then MouseTweaks should be documented
in the Accessiblity Guide and/or the User Guide.
As we are working with the people of gnome control center to turn
the mousetweaks preferences (gui to enable and configure 2 of
the 3 features) into the accessibility tab of the Mouse capplet,
I enhanced the file
with some documentation about the features provided by mousetweaks.

Please have a look at comments 14, 15, 16 and 19 of the following

Based on what I explained in comment 19 of the preceding thread,
should I add the documentation about the features provided by
mousetweaks to goscustdesk.xml?

Thanks in advance for the reply.


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