Re: eject buttons on the places menu

2007/1/4, Calum Benson <Calum Benson sun com>:

On 4 Jan 2007, at 15:27, David Prieto wrote:

> We could also add a context menu with "open" and
> "eject", since apps menu items already have context menus and it would
> be just logical that items in the places menu had them too.

Personally, I think the last thing we need is more context menus on
menu items... it's probably about the most (unintentionally)
undiscoverable feature on our entire desktop.

Currently the only way to eject/unmount things *is* through a context
menu. Adding more, as you say, wont make things better of course. I
really really feel that something has to be done about this. It is
horrible, and I'm ashamed each time I try to explain it to new comers.

I've always thought that notification area icons for removable drives
was the way to go. These could be managed by gnome-volume-manager.
People typically object to this if they have "permanent" usb storage
devices connected. To this end there should probably be a way to
disable icons for given devices.

The n-a-icons would pop up the same menu on right and left clicks.
Maybe even pop up a pestering notification bubble about properly
ejecting the device when the device is mounted.


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