Re: Proposed module: tracker

On Mon, 2007-01-08 at 19:27 +0000, Jamie McCracken wrote:
> tracker is now in fedora and I have a Debian Developer putting it
> into 
> debain and ubuntu so if distro inclusion is a good guide (which you 
> asserted to last time) then why should it not be suitable for
> inclusion 
> in gnome at this point? 

It's different.  Almost any piece of Free Software can make it into
Fedora, Ubuntu, and Debian.  That's because all those projects have
formal, documented means to include software without much technical
review or comparisons.  They all welcome multiple projects providing the
same functionality, etc etc.  In other words, being in Fedora Extras or
Ubuntu Universe means not much.

What *is* a very high point in a project's profile is whether any
distros ship it as part of their default installation and used as a
"distro feature".  NetworkManager or gnome-power-manager are for example
shipped by Fedora as such.  They are part of the default install (ok,
NetworkManager is not enabled by default, but g-p-m is), and advertised
as part of the distro in Release Notes, etc.  Tracker isn't.  In
contrast, Beagle kinda is, in Fedora Core 6.


"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little
 Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
        -- Benjamin Franklin, 1759

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