Re: Proposed module: tracker

Joe Shaw wrote:

THeres no question we need a metadata server to sort out all this mess so apps can interoperate with it.

You've mentioned two apps which predate any tagging or other metadata
system in GNOME.  F-Spot uses a standard image metadata format when
appropriate, and Nautilus uses a straightforward XML format that has
been around for at least 6 years.  I would hardly call this a mess.

Applications do need to become richer, but Tracker isn't a silver bullet
for this.

I think a general purpose metadata server is essential (regardless of whether its tracker or not). Data stored in text files are not shareable without a daemon to do some locking and we dont want umpteen daemons all doing the same job?

These are fine ideas, but let's see them prototyped first, so we can
make an informed decision about whether it's practical and works, rather
than accepting it prima facie.
thats why I am not asking for "tracker the database" to be considered at this time. We do need these implemented and I will get round to them.

But you're not offering to separate them.  So what's the difference,

the difference is we have not integrated it into any apps.

No maintainer is going to use tracker's metadata server without an assessment of its benefits and a clear plan - if it gets into Gnome then that will not change.

Being in Gnome allows tracker to be considered for such integration but it is not automatic and the onus is on me to prove that tracker is right for them.

This has nothing to do with the fact that T-S-T which is being proposed is a big improvement over G-S-T and that should be a good enough reason to include it at some point (most likely in 2.20 as some have suggested and after some more polish!)

Mr Jamie McCracken

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