Re: Bumping avahi requirement for GNOME to 0.6.21

On Tue, 2007-11-13 at 22:34 -0700, Elijah Newren wrote:
> On Nov 13, 2007 12:21 PM, Olav Vitters <olav bkor dhs org> wrote:
> > > In that case I ask to bump it to 0.6.17
> >
> > +1 for me (needs another +1)
> Nah, external deps aren't like freeze break requests.  Any member of
> the release team should feel free to update the external deps page or
> direct anyone else to do so (e.g. build-brigade).  It's just that if
> the build breaks due to the update, you're (at least partially) to
> blame.  :-)  If my text on the ExternalDependencies page isn't clear
> on this point, let me know how to fix it up.
> Basically, I think version bump approvals should be somewhat
> automatic; the approval is mostly there to avoid surprising people
> with additional dependencies and build breaks (which got completely
> out of control a few releases back).
> Oh, and didn't we agree at the last r-t meeting to have build break
> requests moved from d-d-l to release-team@, in order to lower the mail
> volume there?  We need to update that wiki page with the new
> instructions...

That would preclude me from seeing the requests.  While none
of the freezes require approval from the documentation team
approval, the release team often makes their UI freeze break
approvals contingent on approval from the documentation team.

I suppose the release team could always just CC gnome-doc-list
if they want input from the documentation team, but given that
the UI freeze break requests usually go before the documentation
team, it seems like a wasted extra step to do it all the time.

On a related note, is this the authoritative page for freezes?
I thought it was agreed that UI and string breaks required
notification to the documentation team, but I don't see any
mention of that on the page.  I'll gladly fix it, unless I'm
mistaken about the notification requirement.


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