Re: GNOME Panel++

On Sep 24, 2007, at 3:00 PM, Alex Jones wrote:
 What do we want from the next version of GNOME Panel?

Do we want to evolve it or just replace the dependency on Bonobo for now?

I think that unifying the concept of applets and more heavyweight "widgets" might be beneficial, unless anyone can think of any good reason why not to. Any GDesklets developers here?

Besides the lack of a global menu bar, which John Stowers mentioned, another irritant interaction-wise is inconsistency in behavior between panel applets. Some applets do something on a single click, others don't, and there's no way to tell which just by looking. Some applets do something on a double click, others don't, and there's no way to tell which just by looking. Some applets open a menu or menu-like control, but they differ in whether they make it look like a menu, and if you mouse down on the wrong one you can't slide over to the correct one like you can with a normal menu bar.

It would be really neat if the panel could make these behaviors consistent.

Matthew Paul Thomas

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