Re: Module proposal: Vinagre

<quote who="Jonh Wendell">

> Miscellaneous: I plan to make Vinagre a 'Remote Desktop Viewer', not only
> a VNC client, so, i want to support NX, RDP among others in the future.

Nice -- tsclient has always been a fairly ugly beast, so a really nicely
integrated and sexy interface shipped with GNOME would be a delight. Rock!

(As an aside, it would be awesome to figure out how to get rdesktop to work
with the 'Remote Assistance' request XML blobs that you get from Windows,
and then provide a 'Remote Assistance' feature for Vino and GNOME. Vinagre
would be the place to make that integration happen, but rdesktop needs a bit
of love to begin with.)


- Jeff

GNOME Boston Summit 2007          
   "I think it will be admitted by all that to have exploited so great a
     scientific invention for the purpose and pursuit of entertainment
    alone would have been a prostitution of its powers and an insult to
        the character and intelligence of the people." - John Reith

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