Re: Proposed external dependency: WebKit/GTK+

Vincent Untz wrote:
Proposal on d-d-l:
License: LGPLv2 or later (I believe)

Short description:
WebKit/GTK+ is the new GTK+ port of the WebKit, an open-source web
content engine that powers numerous applications such as web browsers,
email clients, feed readers, web and text editors, and a whole lot
Was there a conclusion on this at some point? I can't find anything in 
the archives. It would be great to be able to depend on it since I have 
some improvements in Devhelp trunk which needs WebKit.

Summary so far:
 + many +1
 + should be API/ABI stable and follow the GNOME release cycle
 + integration with various other libraries of the GNOME stack
 + patches (and plans) exist for various GNOME applications to make them
   use WebKit
 + the 2.24 branch of epiphany has been created from the 2.22 one, so
   will likely still use Gecko
 + main concern is about the accessibility support. The accessibility
   team is waiting for an update from the WebKit/GTK+ team.
Imendio AB - Expert solutions in GTK+

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