[no subject]

One more thing -- action point 0: It's high time to unblock the GNOME
WebKit dependency situation. Good accessibility is central, but we
also have a reputation for stability and internationalisation in
GNOME. To achieve all three of these goals in time for release, we
need to stop putting out old tarballs from 2.24 and start making
development snapshots from trunk. We need feedback from distributions,
users who speak, read and write in languages we've never heard of and
run on platforms and devices we don't use ourselves. As Richard
already mentioned, several critical bugs (crashers, printing support,
memory footprint, multi-thousand line code cleanup to name a few) have
been fixed thanks directly to the WebKit migration. By releasing
development snapshots of these applications today, we can paralellise
the remaining work. There is still plenty of it, cf. editing API for
Evoluton, loader fixes for Epiphany, UI string l10n, GDOM.

Willie, can you let the release team know that we're on schedule here
so the developers working on all the other tricky bits that make a
browser component get the testing and feedback they need?

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