Re: git commit messages

On 04/23/2009 08:47 AM, Loïc Minier wrote:
On Wed, Apr 22, 2009, Vincent Untz wrote:
Frédéric (fredp) is suggesting to also propose a standard scheme to
reference bugs that are fixed by a commit (so we can script things if
it's needed one day -- that's similar to what Debian does).

Something like "Closes: #123456" or "Fixes: #123456".

This should probably live in the longer explanation since the short
explanation is limited in size...

(Then we can also reference other bug trackers when needed: bnc#12345,
rh#12345, lp#12345, etc.)
  That would be excellent, thanks!  However please consider using:
     GNOME #1234
  one issue with the Debian closes: is that it doesn't indicate Debian,
  which is why Nokia, Ubuntu etc. all use different prefixes to refer to
  their bugs.  Using "GNOME #1234" would allow terminals to link to directly for instance.
I prefer the more verbose "GNOME Bug #1234" in that case.

And I opened a bug yesterday to allow configuring such matchers on gnome-terminal:

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