Re: New Desktop Testing team

It was announced in the gnome-announce-list.

You can see the archive at

API wrote:
From: Luis Villa <luis tieguy org>

On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 4:14 AM, Ara Pulido <ara ubuntu com> wrote:

We are proud to announce that a new GNOME team has been created, focused on
desktop testing automation.
If you have ever wondered how could you test your application writing
scripts that mimic what a normal user would do, join us in this new effort.

We have a mailing list [1], a wiki page with documentation[2] and a SVN
module [3] with the initial work that we have done, but we need more people
to get involve to make GNOME better and better.

Please, join now the GNOME Desktop Testing team!
Still not sure? Here [4] you will find a small how-to on how to run the
available examples. Just give it a go!
This is really terrific news! Has been needed for a long time.
So the idea is add this Team to the current "Testing" section on GNOME Live?:

Probably a good idea, could be a kind of integration with build-brigade, if
possible (although I don't know if possible, I miss some information).

PS: the original mail was sent to the desktop mailing list? Because I was not
    able to find that, so I'm missing [1][2][3][4] links.

API (apinheiro igalia com)

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