Re: GNOME and non-linux platforms (release team please stand up)

Hi David,

You know, maybe if the non-Linux platforms actually participated in
_designing_ and _developing_ the core plumbing bits, threads like this
wouldn't have to happen.
It would be a lot better if non-Linux platforms, like Solaris is in this
respect, actually started participating much earlier. You still have
time for the DeviceKit-disks and DeviceKit-power stuff for example.

Anyway, if SUN started changing this behavior then maybe it would be a
lot easier to not feel incredibly insulted by statements like "it
behooves them as professional open source software engineers to respect
the requirements". Because right now it's the pot calling the kettle
[Standard boilerplate, speaking for myself, not my employer.]

I did the initial HAL port to Solaris (but long since moved to other stuff), you might remember me. With respect to benefits of early participation, I agree with you completely - I learned the hard way and have been trying to convince folks here not to repeat that mistake with PolicyKit, ConsoleKit and DeviceKit - as you can witness, with little success.
There is no single reason or person to be blamed: there's organizational 
fragmentation and inertia; lack of funding; differences in engineering 
culture; etc. I am getting a positive vibe from engineers slowly warming 
up to the agile, iterative development style, so hopefully things are 
moving in the right direction.
I wouldn't get too offended with what Calum said, I think it's the right 
idea, though perhaps the proposed implementation isn't optimal in that 
the testing cost distribution is lopsided. To give a simplified example, 
what we had during HAL development sometimes, say, 0.x.y was released 
based on Linux exclusively and we had to follow that up with a 0.x.y.1 
release to fix FreeBSD/Solaris issues. With an established N-way 
commitment from all interested platforms, I believe such issues could be 
resolved upfront, leading to higher quality releases (less iterations) 
and a more even cost distribution, with little effect on schedule.
So from a bystander's point of view, maintaining GNOME's platform 
neutrality requires effort from both sides: from the ideological 
leaders, maintaining portability as a core requirement, built in not 
screwed on; and from interested platforms, continuous participation and 
timely response.

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