Test Bugzilla 3.4 Instance for GNOME


My company, Everything Solved, has been working on porting forward GNOME's Bugzilla customizations to Bugzilla 3.4 for the past several months, in accordance with the plan that we discussed on this list a few months back.
	As of now, the effort is nearly complete for the initial phase--that 
is, everything that needs to be done to actually put up a 
bugzilla.gnome.org running 3.4 is nearly done. As such, we have a basic 
test installation here that I'm now making public:

This test installation is being provided solely for the purposes of QA'ing the customizations. That is, feel free to play around with it, to see if there are any problems with the code. The requirements in general for the customizations were worked out ahead of time and actually already submitted to this list and agreed upon, so we aren't looking for UI or feature suggestions at this point. Note that the UI you'll see on this installation is much closer to the current upstream Bugzilla UI than the old GNOME Bugzilla was. There may be future enhancements to this user interface for GNOME, but they will happen after the actual upgrade takes place. (And there are definitely going to be upstream UI improvements in Bugzilla--we're working on them now and could use some help if anybody would like to assist.)
	There are only two major user-facing features that are missing from the 
current test installation that will be in the initial upgraded 
bugzilla.gnome.org: we have yet to rearrange show_bug.cgi, and all the 
code that deals with traces is not yet in place. However, everything 
else that is absolutely necessary for GNOME to function, including the 
Bug-Buddy interface, is in place. (I would particularly appreciate 
feedback from Bug-Buddy developers assuring us that the Bug-Buddy 
interface on the test installation works.)
	As discussed previously on this list, the initial upgraded 
bugzilla.gnome.org will not have every customization that the old GNOME 
Bugzilla had, only the most immediately necessary customizations. There 
will be a second phase of development to implement the rest of the 
customizations, once funding is secured.
	The current test installation does not contain bugzilla.gnome.org's 
data. A test installation containing GNOME's data will be available in 
the coming days or weeks.
	The GNOME Sysadmin Team is currently setting up a new server for 
Bugzilla 3.4, a significantly more powerful system than what the current 
bugzilla.gnome.org runs on. This, combined with the extreme performance 
enhancements in Bugzilla since the version you are currently running, 
should show enormous improvements in Bugzilla's performance once it is 
	If you find bugs in this test installation, please report them just by 
sending me an email, for now.
	We'd like to do the upgrade as soon as reasonably possible once the 
customizations are complete (which I'm targeting for Thursday or 
Friday). I don't know how these things get scheduled, but I will talk to 
the Sysadmin team once we are ready and get it set up. It will require a 
somewhat-significant downtime window (probably several hours).
Competent, Friendly Bugzilla and Perl Services. Everything Else, too.

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