Adding a dependency to libchamplain


I am slightly late for this but we'd like to add a dependency to
libchamplain in the 0.6 cycle (which corresponds to 2.29/2.30

Simon Wenner worked during his Google Summer of Code to add local
rendering of maps to libchamplain.  To do so, we selected a renderer
that adds a little as possible dependencies to GNOME.  Therefore, we
selected Memphis.  It depends only on Glib and Cairo.  It is available
under LGPL 2+.

Other renderer choices would have brought Earth and Moon and that wasn't

Memphis has a release (0.1) as of yesterday.  Simon Wenner will be
maintaining it, and the local rendering branch (his actual SoC) in
libchamplain will be merged soon.  Memphis objects are exposed in the
libchamplain API additions, meaning that making this optional at compile
time would result in libchamplain having an unstable API.  We'd rather
go with non-optional dependency on Memphis.



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