Re: Finding and Reminding, tech issues, 3.0 and beyond

On 04/15/2010 02:05 PM, Martyn Russell wrote:
If you had a real database,

Are you suggesting SQLite is not a real database or that an application
"would use" a real database to continue your point?

I think what Bastien meant is "if tracker exposed itself as a real database", i.e. exposing a SQL API. Using sqlite, bdb or plain text for storage is an implementation detail.

The point is that database theories and concepts are teached to pretty much everyone doing CS at school, which is a good thing in an ocean of worse, I agree.

In the end, it is much of a muchness. SQL is far from trivial to learn
and each database optimises for different things. Not to mention the
different versions and extensions of SQL depending on the database you
use. Why would a user really care about any of that unless they were
going to share their data in the first place?

At least, there exist specific tools for manipulating SQL data. For exemple there are a load of ORM libraries for pretty much any language out there that doesn't force one to build queries in plain text (which is tedious, and error-prone (accidental SPARQL injection, someone?)

Did you write an ORM engine for SPARQL queries for tracker?

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