Re: Holes in GNOME 3 process

From: Johannes Schmid <jhs jsschmid de>

>> Sometimes I feel that the review of the builds on the machine provided
>> by GNOME should be reviewed by GNOME sysadmin, but not sure
>> anyway.
> Normally build servers are used to check if the build still succeeds.
> Most setups I know reject a commit when it breaks the build. I wouldn't
> recommend this for GNOME because there might be problems the maintainer
> cannot solve himself and it would slow down population of changes.

This is the reason the builds are made each X hours.

> Instead it would be great if the buildbot would automatically send a
> message to the commiter when the build fails (after the build was
> successful before). The committer can then decide if it is his fault or
> if he needs to ping the buildbot maintainer or fixup jhbuild.

That would be easily configured, but our intention was each module
mantainer asking for that. It would be not really polite to start to
send mails to the committers from the buildbot if they didn't ask
that (and probably you can see this as SPAM).

> As addition it would be nice if others could subscribe to a mailing list
> that works like the gnome-commit-lists which tracks build failures (or
> even successfull builds.

Something like the current working RSS feed ;) There are a RSS feed
for each project, and it only adds a feed for any build failure.


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