Re: Re: gnome-panel & gnome-applets?

On Tue, 2010-12-28 at 15:19 -0800, Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:
> It will be important to get people writing extensions before the
> release happens i think.  (sorry went into marketing mode...!) 

I take the liberty of saying that as person who tried to write an
extension (some time ago):

 - Lack of basic documentation. Reverse engineering C/JavaScript to
write an extension (for example - how to use St) is very hard.

 - Lack of basic tutorials. There no Hello World tutorial, video or
anything (at least linked from page). [I distinguish between
step-by-step tutorial and detailed documentation]

 - High overhead of code - if I remember correctly adding button
requires adding to 2 files (CSS and JS) - where button should be put/how
it behaves and how does it look like. Other technologies (gtk+ +
gtkbuilder, html+css+js) allows to work on the scaffolding first and
then work on details. Possibly 'sane' defaults and primitives would

 - Lack of sandboxing. I'm not quite sure if and how it can be done but
last time error crashed whole shell. Since JavaScript gives
<del>little</del><ins>no</ins> compile-time checks and errors do happen
it would be helpful.


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