Proposal: Move .pc files into src/


I have a minor proposal for library maintainers: Move .pc files for each
library to the src directory for the library itself.

The benefit is mostly during development.  I personally do "make install" in
the src dir only, because if I do that in the toplevel, I have to wait an
extra hour for gtk-doc to finish generating docs for the installation.  "make
install" in src/ works fine for the most part except that it doesn't install
the pkg-config file.  So for example I do "make install" in vte/src updated to
master, then go building gnome-terminal and still get a version error for vte.
 Because the new .pc file is not installed.

By grouping the .pc file and the library itself, these kind of issues are avoided.

A couple minor issues with doing this are:

  - The uninstalled.pc files need to remain in toplevel to be useful.  Means,
they will be separated from .pc files

  - For packages shipping multiple libraries, the .pc files will not be
gathered in one place anymore.

I don't think any of those two is a major issue.

What do people think?


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