Seahorse and seahorse-plugins depend on gpgme.
On May 13, 2010 6:11 PM, "Matthias Clasen" <matthias clasen gmail com> wrote:
once per cycle, we should go through the list of external dependencies
[1], make sure they are in sync with the modulesets we use to build
the release, weed out dead entries, and bump version numbers to the
latest stable release (unless there is a good reason not to). I've
gone through this excercise today, and propose the following changes.
If any of this looks wrong, please complain. Otherwise, I'll work on
getting these numbers into the list and the modulesets.
If we need any changes to minimal required versions, please let me know as well.
avahi no change
bdb not mentioned in the moduleset at all -> drop ?
cairo 1.8.10
cairomm 1.8.1
clutter 1.2.8
clutter-gtk no change
conduit 0.3.16
dbus 1.2.24
dbus-glib 0.86
dbus-python 0.83.1
desktop-file-utils 0.16
DeviceKit-disks drop in favour of udisks ?
enchant 1.6.0
expat 2.0.1
farsight2 0.0.12
fontconfig 2.8.0
gamin only used by gnome-vfs -> drop ?
gmime 2.4.15
gnutls no change
gpgme not used by anything in moduleset -> drop ?
gtk-vnc no change
hal used by tracker (?), suggested by others -> drop ?
hicolor-icon-theme no change
icon-naming-utils no change
intltool 0.41.1
iso-codes 3.9
libcanberra 0.24
libchamplain 0.4.4
libcolorblind no change
libcroco no change
llibgda 4.0.8
libgdata no change
libggz dropped from gnome-games -> drop ?
libgpg-error 1.8
libgcrypt no change
libgsf 1.14.18
libical no change
libmapi no change
libmusicbrainz replace by libmusicbrainz3
libnotify no change
liboil 0.3.17
libproxy 0.4.0
libtasn1 2.6
libxklavier no change
libunique 1.1.6
libxml2 2.7.7
libxslt 1.1.26
Mono.Addins no change
mozilla use xulrunner 1.9.2 ?
ndesk-dbus no change
ndesk-dbus-glib no change
nspr 4.8.4
nss 3.12.6
opal 3.8.1
PackageKit 2.30.1
pkg-config no change
polkit-gtk called polkit-gnome now, 0.96
pulseaudio no change
poppler 0.12.4
pycairo 1.8.8
ptllb 2.8.1
rarian no change
shared-mime-info 0.71
startup-notification no change
swfdec no change
system-tool-backends 2.10.0
telepathy-glib 0.11.5
telepathy-mission-control 5.4.0
tracker 0.8.6 (or 0.9.x ?)
upower 0.9.4
vala 0.8.1
webkit no change
libatasmart 0.17
libdaemon 0.14
libnice 0.11
pixman 0.18.2
samba4 alpha11
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