Re: New module proposal: LightDM

On 14 May 2011 14:38, Fernando Herrera <fherrera onirica com> wrote:
> Wops, I moved the conversation offlist. Getting back to d-d-l.
> On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 4:06 PM, Robert Ancell <robert ancell gmail com> wrote:
>> On 13 May 2011 15:56, Fernando Herrera <fherrera onirica com> wrote:
>>> What about starting AT applications like orca to use them to interact with
>>> the greater?
>> Yes, that is probably the solution we will use in Ubuntu/Unity.
> So, how? I mean, currently I don't see anycode on lighDM for this. Are
> you going to solve that at the distro level using some kind of script
> that would start the greeter and then the required AT?

This logic would need to be in the greeter - the LightDM daemon does
not have any requirement to have a11y support that I can tell of.  The
current example greeters have the a11y support their toolkits have
(not tested yet).

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