Re: systemd as external dependency


> Yes, it might cost us a bit to be open and friendly like this -- and to
> be honest, I'm not convinced the cost is that high for GNOME code, while
> it certainly is for systemd -- but our community is not just about
> purely technical matters. We also care about being open and friendly.
> Or at least, we should.

I think Lennart made the point that systemd is not portable and won't be
ported. He also made the point that that doesn't mean other OS could
share the same interfaces as systemd while providing a completely
different backend and he also made clear that the parts GNOME will
likely depend on apart from gdm will be buildable on any OS while not
providing much use.

I really don't think we can make a useful control-center that supports
all kind of operating systems. People that care about configuring OS
parts on non-linux systems should probably write their own


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