Re: Features !

On 6 October 2011 08:13, Seif Lotfy <seif lotfy com> wrote:
> The Jump-list stuff has been on my list for a while:
> What we are facing here is:
>     Adding actions to the appmenus: new tab (browser), new note (for tomboy
> or gnote) or pause (for the media players)
>     Adding document shortcuts in the appmenus: 4 most recent documents and
> other most used (in the last x days) documents with gedit

Personally, I think it would be a good idea if the GNOME jumplists and
the Unity jumplists shared the same implementation so that app
developers could have the extra functionality for both platforms and
only have to do the work once. There may be some design issues and
this is probably equally a request to the Ubuntu developers (several
of whom do read this list) as it is the GNOME ones, but I think
crossplatform interoperability is a good thing to aim for.

GNOME's implementation is very young; I have a hard time finding apps
on my computer using this feature even in GNOME 3.2; Unity has more
apps using jumplists.

Jeremy Bicha

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