Re: Feature proposal: Alternative input system based on low-cost webcam


The application provides that UI (here [1][2] for some screenshots) in
order to:
   * Configure the application (on the screenshot the Configuration dialog)

I am not a designer but I would somehow wonder if they would consider
this a good user-interface design.

Those screenshots are quite outdated and the current version also includes a configuration wizard. See the eViacam's help files (included in the source tarball) for updated versions.

   * A main window showing the input of the webcam, in order to get some
feedback (ie: if the head region was properly set)

Does this use gstreamer? In general, is the application using gstreamer
as de-facto standard for webcams in Linux/GNOME?

No, eViacam does not use gstreamer. It uses its own capture layer on top of v4l2 because needs access to the settings of the camera (i.e. to allow to set exposure time and other parameters).


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