Re: Introducing Photos

It is my understanding that Jon had discussions with the developers of these
applications, and for various reasons it was decided that writing something
from scratch is better. For EoG and GThumb the reason given was that their
maintainers did not have time to work on a major redesign, and for Shotwell it
was an architectural issue with the program.

Please feel free to correct me if I am misrepresenting something. :-)


Can you repurpose gThumb to meet your goals? It meets many (most?) of your goals already, and lives in the gnome ecosystem (bugzilla, git, etc). It has a plugin system for experimenting with new features (including new metadata sources). It already has Flickr/Facebook/whatever uploading. The sidebar already groups things into a tree of real filesystems and devices, plus artificial groupings ("Catalogs", "Selections"). It already has editing and printing. It has no sqlite dependency.

Mostly, the effort would be to add the shell integration bits, and a slicker gnome-shell-ish UI. The basic image-handling framework is there already.

The primary maintainer, Paolo, indicated that he didn't have time to do the work himself [1], but if you're keen on doing the work, I doubt he'd be opposed to a "next generation" unstable branch...

This is meant as a helpful suggestion, rather than as stop-energy or bike-shedding :-)

- Mike


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