Re: What can you tell new about Content Selection?

Hey Dylan!

Dylan McCall <dylanmccall gmail com> wrote:
I remember reading about a goal for GNOME called "Content Selection".
One of those new-fangled content applications like Files, Photos or
Documents would be available as a Content Selector (much like a file
chooser dialog) for any other application. Here's Allan Day on the
subject, and a wiki page:

Me and Jon were investigating this for a while, but it is dependent on
us having each of the content applications (Documents, Music, Videos,
Photos, Transfers) in good shape - so it is more of a long term idea
at this stage.

Now, first of all, I guess I'm wondering if this is on a roadmap
somewhere, or if it's just an idea at this point. Either way, this is
something I have been very interested in for some time, and I've been
meaning to play with GNOME a lot more, so I would really love to do
something to help make it happen :)

It might be too early to implement it for real. That said, there's
plenty of scope for exploration and prototyping. It would be great to
see how the idea might perform in practice.

Is somebody working on Content Selection at this point, and do you
think it would make sense for a student to contribute to that as a
GSoC project? (Willing mentors, etc?). Who should I talk to? Any help
is greatly appreciated.

Some of the content applications could make good internship projects.
I know that we already have some interest around Music and Transfers,
for example. Otherwise, I'd recommend speaking to Jon McCann and
Cosimo Cecchi. They both have a good idea of where we are heading with
regards to how content is handled, and I suspect that there will be a
few different things that will need to fall into place before we can
tackle content selection itself. One of them may well be interesting
to you or to interns.

IRC:  aday on

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