> But on non-touch screens, some people like my mom (whose eyesight is notDude, they couldn't have any more contrast.
> so great these days) could also benefit from bigger icons, or at least
> *more contrasty* icons.
Seems like an obvious bug with the volume icon - did you file a report?
> The other day she called me as she couldn't
> figure out how to increase the volume. It turns out that audio was
> muted, and what gnome-shell shows in that case is a dark gray audio icon
> with a tiny little "X" on its corner.
> The dark gray icon (around 25% gray) has very little contrast with
> respect to its surrounding black bar (0% gray). The apparent contrast
> is even less since often what you have directy below the icon is the
> very-lightly-colored titlebar of a window (... with a white content
> area), so the dark gray audio icon is hard to see.