Re: Feature proposal: combined system status menu

Allan Day (allanpday gmail com) said: 
The other day she called me as she couldn't
figure out how to increase the volume.  It turns out that audio was
muted, and what gnome-shell shows in that case is a dark gray audio icon
with a tiny little "X" on its corner.

The dark gray icon (around 25% gray) has very little contrast with
respect to its surrounding black bar (0% gray).  The apparent contrast
is even less since often what you have directy below the icon is the
very-lightly-colored titlebar of a window (... with a white content
area), so the dark gray audio icon is hard to see.
Seems like an obvious bug with the volume icon - did you file a report?
To echo Federico, I think it's a problem with any of the icons that use the
two-tone scheme, or a problem with the tone itself rather than the icon.

The 'inactive/background' dark gray used in the status indicators
essentially fades into the black background when used on any angle-sensitive
screen (like many laptops) - move the screen just a few degrees off the 
proper viewing angle and even though the rest of the display is perfectly
usable, that part of the status indicators is essentially invisible.

(... Could we add a microphone volume slider to the volume menu?  It
would be nice to have for those awkward Skype moments.  And about the
only other time I use the Sound Preferences capplet is when I need to
boost the volume past 100% - that could very well be in the slider in
gnome-shell, I guess.)
We already have a microphone slider when a microphone is in use.
Given we have output volume even when it's not in use, I could see having
the mic volume there as well in terms of a 'show-before-you-start' paradigm.


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