Re: GNOME 3.14 Blocker Bugs (week 33)

I was about to file a bug report concerning EDS and Google calendar...
(and/or GOA). Last week Evolution suddenly stopped syncing my default
Google calendar - created with GOA. 
I know, it's not directly related to the release, but Evolution is a
pretty big part of common Gnome installations, so having it work as
expected may be important for 3.14...

On Sun, 2014-08-24 at 16:30 -0400, Matthew Barnes wrote:
On Sun, 2014-08-24 at 11:29 -0500, Michael Catanzaro wrote:
I think we should add

Google has recently imposed some new restriction, apparently.

I think the E-D-S CalDAV backend will need tweaked to work around it.

OPTIONS /caldav/v2/ HTTP/1.1
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