Re: Announce: Gjs documentation almost ready!

Giovanni Campagna wrote:

1) are there plans to get this into devhelp? We need to figure a namespace
scheme for binding docs. The devhelp app itself already understands
different languages. All we need is a index file like the ones gtk-doc

No, there are no plans to get this in devhelp. The HTML output is
really just a way to get them somewhere in the internet without
blocking on library-web, but the real deliverable is mallard, and
devhelp does not understand that (while library-web does)

If the HTML output is somehow distributed, or can be built with
minimal tooling (i.e. not a complete GNOME build environment), they
can certainly be integrated into  You can file
bug reports against product: website, compotent:

The situation is roughly the same for Devhelp, if HTML files are
distributed it's easy for Devhelp to display them; displaying the
Mallard files directly is certainly more difficult, maybe it's
possible to use libyelp YelpView. Anyway, bug reports are welcome.



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