On 7 March 2014 17:45, meg ford <meg387 gmail com> wrote:Sure, this is one of the main motivations for rebasing the
> It would also be awesome if whoever takes the lead on this makes sure that
> the functionality we are documenting actually works. If we want devs to be
> able to write GNOME apps then having documentation that matches the
> functionality they can access using the the language application developer
> docs are showing seems pretty key to me.
documentation generator on top of introspection data.
> On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 8:06 AM, Tomeu Vizoso <tomeu sugarlabs org> wrote:
>> On 4 March 2014 16:58, Frederic Peters <fpeters gnome org> wrote:
>> > Hey,
>> >
>> > It's been proved again in recent hackfests, we have a really great
>> > team writing user documentations, and thanks have to be given to
>> > Shaun, and now Kat, for coordinating the effort.
>> >
>> > On the other hand we have absolutely no coordination for developer
>> > docs, I maintain developer.gnome.org with the little time I have,
>> > Aleksander helps with Devhelp, there are some punctual changes from
>> > various persons, David maintains gnome-devel-docs, Tomeu did work on
>> > generating python documentation from gobject-introspection a while
>> > ago, Giovanni did it for gjs recently, Jon improved markdown support
>> > in gtk-doc, etc. but all this happens without coordination and it
>> > happens people step on each other's toes, and it hurts.
>> >
>> > Developer documentation will be a topic during the Developer
>> > Experience Hackfest, but I believe we will fail again to provide
>> > lasting effects if nobody takes on a coordination role.
>> I agree coordination is needed right now. I have signed up for the
>> hackfest because I know that there's still lots of work to do in the
>> api doc generator and I would like to put my experience on the
>> existing codebase to good use.
>> But I'm a bit lost since the decisions that were agreed at the Berlin
>> hackfest seem to have been overridden at some point and I have missed
>> the rationale.
>> > So, are you interested?
>> These days I do stuff that is related only peripherally to GNOME, so
>> I'm afraid that I won't find enough time to take on the coordination.
>> If nobody gets to propose a good plan before, I guess we'll have to
>> have a good planning session at the start of the hackfest.
>> Regards,
>> Tomeu
>> >
>> > Â Â Â Â Fred
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