Re: [Tracker] Proposed future for Tracker - Smaller modules

On 08/09/14 15:56, Philip Van Hoof wrote:
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On 8/09/2014 12:34, Martyn Russell wrote:

Hi Martyn,

Hi Philip,

Module = tracker-store - ontology (database schema) - libstemmer
(stemming library used by libtracker-fts) - libtracker-common (type
and various utilities) - libtracker-data (database access and
implementation) - libtracker-fts (SQLite module for tokenising) -
tracker-store (daemon providing DBus interface)

Module = libtracker-sparql - libtracker-bus (DBus and read/write
access to the DB) - libtracker-direct (readonly access to the DB) -
libtracker-sparql-backend (internal implementation) -
libtracker-sparql (public facing library to the DB)

My proposal would be to keep tracker-store, ontology and
libtracker-sparql together (as one project).

The reason I didn't put libtracker-sparql with tracker-store / core things is that logically it's quite a different thing for applications wanting to JUST run SPARQL queries.

I suppose it doesn't make all that much difference, you still require the store and other bits for libtracker-sparql to operate anyway.

I guess you could go as far as to say that you might want to JUST use DBus and none of the libtracker-sparql support at all, another reason for it being separate.

The reason for that is that the actual goal of libtracker-sparql was
to provide what libsqlite is for a RDMBS and SQL, but for RDF and SPARQL.

Yea, but libsqlite3 and sqlite are separate packages (actually I am not sure if they're separate projects at all), but having tracker-store does not mean you have to use libtracker-sparql.

Without tracker-store, libtracker-sparql can't work.

It's more the other way round I had in mind, without libtracker-sparql, tracker-store works.

By splitting the ontologies into a separate project, managed by the
Nepomuk organization or not, we could someday refactor
libtracker-sparql to support multiple instances of installed ontologies.

I wouldn't split the ontologies out, the store is no good without the database and without the schema it's even more useless :)

Besides, all the ontology validation and handling is in the libraries the store depends on.

Ideal in that scenario would be that tracker-store becomes an impl.
detail of libtracker-sparql (it'll manage the instances of stores on a
on-demand basis).

The only real three reasons of existence of tracker-store are:

        - GraphUpdated
        - The fact that SQLite isn't MVCC and we need WAL journaling
          and checkpointing done by a separate 'writer' process

Yea, single point of update.

        - Providing a ontology

Not sure I follow you here, the reason for the store is not to provide an ontology - at least libtracker-data does a lot of that stuff - I would have to double check this.

The store offers a lot of buffering, queueing and general "management" of updates (and queries). Let's not forget the DBus interface.

When your process links with libtracker-sparql and uses direct-access
mode, it effectively has everything it needs to deal with meta.db.


The eventual dependency tree would look like this:

Your program depends on:
+- nepomuk-ontology
   `- Internally uses libexec/tracker-sparql-store

This API:

Would look like:

#include <nepomuk/2006-2008/ontology.h>
#include <tracker-sparql.h>

static void something ()
   GError *error = NULL;
   Ontology *ontology = nepomuk_ontology_2006_2008_new ("session id");
   TrackerSparqlConnection *con =
        tracker_sparql_connection_get_for_ontology (ontology)
   TrackerSparqlCursor *cursor = tracker_sparql_connection_query (con,
                "select ?a { ?a nie:title 'something in nepomuk' }",
                NULL, &error);

   while (tracker_sparql_cursor_next (cursor, NULL, NULL)) {
        g_print ("%s\n", tracker_sparql_cursor_get_string());

   g_object_unref (cursor);
   g_object_unref (con);
   g_object_unref (ontology);

Interesting idea.

This would internally deal with starting and stopping a
libexec/tracker-sparql-store, and no global "tracker-store" would be
needed anymore (the fact that multiple users share the same "session
id", creates the central storage for users of that "session id").

Storage could go to:
~/.tracker/sessions/$session-id/nepomuk-2006-2008/meta.db or something

This is quite an addition to what we have now.

I don't think it makes much difference because libtracker-sparql will always depend on a tracker-store (or whatever alias you use for grouping components that update the DB - libtracker-data, libtracker-fts, etc.).

Consider the application that only wants to query and not update the DB - they don't want to depend on all the crap needed for updating the DB, just the raw libtracker-sparql part.


Founder & Director @ Lanedo GmbH.

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