Re: GNOME HIG: Feedback Wanted

Hey Michael,

Thanks for the excellent feedback! I've tried to fix all of these points [1].

Michael Catanzaro <mcatanzaro gnome org> wrote:
On the header bar page: "Header bars are incompatible with menu bars."
On the menu bar page: "menu bars can still be an appropriate choice,
particularly for applications that already incorporate a header
bar." (So that's a contradiction.)

That's weird - obvious mistake. Fixed.

The menu bar page specifies that the menu bar should contain all of the
functionality of the app, so surely items in the app menu should be
duplicated in the menu bar. Is this the intended advice? (It's contrary
to what we've been advised in the past.) Either way, it'd be good to
mention this on the app menu page as well, so that it's more visible.

I would consider an application menu to be part of the menu modal that
the menu bar belongs to. Added some guidance on that.

In the section on app menus, we really need more guidance on the Quit
menu item.  Some apps use Quit to close all windows of the app (which
seems to be intended), some use it to close the current window only (to
prevent the user from accidentally closing windows on other desktops,
which is a real problem with the former approach), and others omit Quit
entirely to avoid the issue. We discussed this in the past but didn't
really come to any conclusion.

Agree that there needs to be more specific guidance here. Added something.

On the spinners page, you recommend not using spinners if the range is
limited on both ends. Isn't that a little strict? What about, for
example, the time control in the preferences of GNOME Chess?

Yes, agree. (That was copied over from the old HIG, I think.) Updated.

In the section on tabs: "Use tabs that are proportional to the width of
their labels. Don't just set all the tabs to the same width...." But
nowadays, tabs actually are all the same width.

Dynamic tabs always have equal widths, fixed tabs don't - which is
what you're referencing here. I've tried to make it a bit clearer, but
let me know if you think it's problematic still.

Also, I'm not sure about the advice at the very bottom of the tabs page.
For example, Epiphany surely needs a new tab button in its header bar,
but I don't think it'd look good to display the tab bar when only one
tab is open.

Ah yes. Fixed.

On the toolbars page: "the first few buttons in a browser application
should always include Back, Forward, Stop and Reload, in that order."
That advice seems dated.

Good catch!

Thanks again,



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