Re: Hello, question about gnome overlay windows

The only difference between GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL and GTK_WINDOW_POPUP
is that the former is managed by the window manager, and the latter is
not. Both of them can have child controls.

Normally, when a window manager manages a toplevel window, it puts a
border around the window, but you can set a hint to the window manager
to tell it not to do this with the gtk_window_set_decorated()
function. Setting this to false will disable the border and drop

The stacking order of a window is controlled by the window manager
under X11. GNOME's window manager is named "mutter". As you can see
here in mutter's source code [0], there is no way to click on a
window, no matter what it is, without raising it.


On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 9:27 PM, Anthony Walter <sysrpl gmail com> wrote:
Alrighty, but will mouse presses in my overlay, with an appropriate shape
mask, cause my window to be activated? Because I definitely don't want this
type of behavior.

Side note, how is it possible to show a GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL type window (one
which can have child controls) without a border, without a Gnome drop shadow
and without it being activated (not set as the foreground window)?

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