Re: 3.20 target bugs

On 02/18/2016 07:35 AM, Matthias Clasen wrote:
While we are still waiting for 3.19.90 to appear, here is an initial
review of the bugs that have been marked as "GNOME target: 3.20"
during this cycle. Since this is the first review, the list is
somewhat long, and a bit of a mixed bag, I expect us to narrow it down
for .91. In any case, all these bugs are well worth fixing, and if you
can get one of the off the list, you will make 3.20 a better release.

I'd like to suggest another one worth fixing:

GNOME Shell's overview is spewing around 150-300/second
object:state-changed:showing accessibility events, even if all you do is
get in the overview and stare at the screen.

And if you agree that needs to be fixed, another in the same vein:

I get over 300/second object:state-changed:showing accessibility events
for labels whose text is presumably static.


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