Re: Brasero shouldn't look for dvdcss_inerface_2


thanks for the patch. Would it be possible for you to attach it to a
bug on Bugzilla?

You can use:

As far as I can see, the code always looked for the
`dvdcss_interface_2` symbol since its inclusion in the repository, but
since the DVDCSS plugin dlopen()s the library instead of linking
against it (and since lots of distributions cannot ship libdvdcss in
order to comply with legal requirements), nobody noticed the breakage.


On 26 March 2017 at 10:12, Que Quotion <quequotion gmail com> wrote:
I am aware that brasero has been left unmaintained for quite some time. It
still happens to be a very useful program with the exception of one
bug--failing to find libdvdcss because it checks for a symbol,
dvdcss_interface_2, which was dropped from libdvdcss about three years ago.

Several distributions are already patching around this in their packaging:
Ubuntu -
Debian -
Fedora -

If anyone has a moment, and the authority, to patch this in it would be
much appreciated.

--- brasero-3.12.1/plugins/dvdcss/burn-dvdcss.c
+++ brasero-3.12.1/plugins/dvdcss/burn-dvdcss.c
@@ -95,8 +95,6 @@
     if (!module)
         goto error_doesnt_exist;

-    if (!g_module_symbol (module, "dvdcss_interface_2", &address))
-        goto error_version;

     if (!g_module_symbol (module, "dvdcss_open", &address))
         goto error_version;
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