Re: Proposal for reducing the number of unremovable apps in GNOME Software

On Mon, 2017-11-06 at 10:51 +0000, Allan Day wrote:
Matthias Clasen <matthias clasen gmail com> wrote:
I don't see the relation between sandboxable and unremovable.

On an image-based OS, wouldn't it be the case that anything that's
not a flatpak would be part of the image, and therefore unremovable?
I've been looking at this issue recently from a slightly different
perspective and wondered whether "part of the base OS" might be a
simpler and more natural replacement for <mandatory_for_desktop>.

Seems to me that the whole problem is that gnome-software keeps the
"package" uninstallable even if the same application is installed via

Fix that, and you don't need to make any changes to the appdata files.

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