GNOME Git seems pretty reasonable. I'm not sure there's a large discoverability issue with "gitg" though. It shows up when I search "git" in GNOME Software...I don't know if we have a policy for "gnome front-ends to existing third party tools", but there's already a small precedence with bad is a thing.)On Wed, Oct 10, 2018 at 5:50 PM Alberto Fanjul Alonso via desktop-devel-list <desktop-devel-list gnome org> wrote:Seing and asumming GNOME is a desktop environment (GUI is supposed) maybe GNOME Git Tool, but tool is little redundant here, that's why looking for something that this git GUI Tool can do. Maybe GNOME Git Commits as it shows them (history) and creates them._______________________________________________El mié., 10 oct. 2018 a las 23:26, Milan Crha via desktop-devel-list (<desktop-devel-list gnome org>) escribió:On Wed, 2018-10-10 at 08:34 +0200, Alberto Fanjul Alonso wrote:
> On gitg we are considering to adopt GNOME Commits as project name.
I'm used to gitk (which uses Qt, if I'm not mistaken). The gitg always
meant to me a gtk+ variant "of the same". I never looked for the real
reasoning behind the name (which you gave earlier).
Can it work with anything else than git? I do commit to svn, I used to
commit to cvs as well. There are several other version systems where
users can "commit" their changes. I mean, "GNOME Commits" is too
generic, too vague. "GNOME git viewer" might be more accurate, but not
that fancy. I surely would not get rid of the 'git' word, especially
when it's the only version system it can work with. When searching for
'git' in repositories, it would be nice to have git itself and "the
viewer" shown together.
Just my opinion.
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