Re: Good read from a new GNOME user

Thanks Britt for starting this discussion, and thanks to Carmen for
the useful summary. I don't agree with every point raised, but there
are a lot of valid ones.

I'll provide some brief comments from a design perspective. Obviously
there are a lot of issues here: individual discussions should probably
happen elsewhere.

Carmen Bianca Bakker <carmen carmenbianca eu> wrote:
1. The desktop does nothing. There is no functionality other than on
the top bar. ...

This is a long-known issue that was discussed around the time of the
original GNOME 3 designs, and is currently being discussed again by
the design team [1]. It's a tricky issue that's the result of some of
the core GNOME 3 design choices.

2b. No battery percentage on status bar.

I'd be interested in showing the percentage when the status menu is
open [2], but having an option to permanently show it seems fine too

2c. No app indicators.

Yes, I think we need to return to that discussion.

2d. No suspend button.

I agree we can improve this, and I did some design work for it a
little while ago [4].

3a. It is difficult to reach the app drawer.

I've explored this previously; it's a bit tricky and depends on some
other more fundamental questions (do we have dock, what do we show in
the top bar, etc).

3b. Application names are cut off.

This is a long-standing issue which I believe has a design agreed. We
just need to land the MR [5].

3c. Folders in the app drawer aren't customisable.

We've been wanting to have Endless's drag and drop app folders
upstreamed for some time now: we're just waiting for it to happen.

4. Unnecessary notifications (e.g., "Application is ready")

Indeed, my feeling is that those notifications do more harm than good.
I can't see an issue for this; does anyone know of one?

5b. Icons in Nautilus are confusing.

That doesn't look like GNOME's icon theme - it would be clearer if it
was. My understanding is that the lack of tooltips is a technical
limitation of popover menus.

On a related topic: the design team is currently evaluating these
buttons in menus, and are waiting on the menus to be updated in order
to do some usability testing [6].

5d. The file picker isn't very good.

I did a review of our file picker a little while ago [7] and it
generally looked OK to me. The main issue seems to be the lack of icon
view, which I agree would be good to have, and have included in my
latest experimental mockups.

8b. Difficult to set custom wallpaper.

The latest designs [8] have a button to select a file. However, I
think we'd like to revisit these designs before anything gets
implemented, and they've been stuck in our design backlog for a little

A concluding remark: quite a few of these issues relate to the shell,
and on the design side we've wanted to make improvements in that area
for a long time, but have been held back due to a lack of developer
resources. It would be amazing if we had more developers working in
that area, to help us resolve these prominent issues.


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