Re: How can I rotate objects ?

Cant see that the question is answered there, I am not asking about arbitrary rotation, I am asking for a 
4-way placement or rotation.

It seems that this is the responsibility of individual objects, since some can be flipped horisontally or 
vertically and some not.

I think this should be a common control function available for all objects, two way flip and 4 way rotation.

--- "Robert Campbell" <rob campbell visto com> wrote:
This is answered in the FAQ at

-----Original Message-----
From:    Matts Kivik kivik firstlinux net
Sent:    Tue, 4 Dec 2001 03:16:05 -0800 (PST)
To:      dia-list gnome org
Subject: How can I rotate objects ?

It is not often (seldom) that I want the objects in the direction they appe=
ar, when inserting them. How Can I rotate them +-90 degreeds?=20

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