UML Diagram Questions

I'm quite interested in Dia, of course for its Visio-ishness, but more for the UML-ishness! I'm a big fan of Rational Rose except for its price, and would be willing to help make this product more UML-useable. Some questions, first.
1. Has anyone worked on converting a UML Diagram to source code?
2. Is there any awareness of XMI, the DTD for UML?  (ACRONYMS!) If DIA can read and write XMI, it becomes compatible with all other CASE tools. IBM currently has a Rational Rose<=>XMI converter. Imagine my hands are rolling and I'm saying "mwahahahaha..."
Really, I'm curious what plans are in store for the UML portion of DIA, and any comments on how I can help -- lemme know.


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