Re: dia file exchange

According to Cyril ZEKSER <czekser visiospace com>:

Q: how would a user do to move a Dia file to Visio. 2 solutions:
-generate a Visio file from the dia file
-write a Dia importer within Visio (is it possible ?)

solution #1 require that one of the system have both Visio and Dia, while
the other require that Visio user install an additionnal plug-in.

That's not completely right, since you can kinda import things in Visio (or
any other OLE capable app, like Word for instance)  by using OLE from within
an external app. Just write scripts that command the app, and things will go
But what does Word know about Dia files ? Nothing at all. I don't understand
what you mean.


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