Re: Dia 0.88.1: Problems with exporting to xfig

On 12 Jun 2001, Lars Clausen wrote:

Sounds like a good implementation plan.  Only the FEATURE and SHAPE groups
don't really solve the problem, as all you can really do at this level is

Somebody (I forget who) suggested having some more complex shapes (arrows,
rounded rectangles etc) have their own rendering function, but have a
default that uses the more primitive functions.  Of course, we only want a
limited amount of these, or the renderer structure becomes rather large,
but at least having them for the basic shapes would be good.
This sort of thing should be very easy to do when we switch over to gtk
2.0.  In the dia-newcanvas module, all rendering has been moved to an
interface.  It would be very easy to add a "rounded rectangle drawing"
interface, which could be implemented by a renderer.  Then a "render
rounded rectangle" function could check to see if the interface is
implemented by the current renderer and if it isn't, break the rounded
rectangle down into simpler primitives.

One other option for the current dia would be to render rounded rectangles
with a bezier instead, although this may slow things down for the onscreen


Email: james daa com au

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