Re: My proposal (Was: Shapes layout proposal)

On Thu, 14 Jun 2001, Andre Kloss wrote:

On 14 Jun 2001, Lars Clausen wrote:

The reason for GUIs to have the equal-spacing setup is that the actual
widget layout may be determined by somebody else.  I don't think we
really need that here.  Just using relative resizing is probably more
useful and easier.
Agreed. Do you know where this might be incorporated in the code? Or
even better, are you already implementing this stuff? ;)
Oh, no:)  I'm still looking at the freetype stuff, somewhat stalled by the
fact the freetype doesn't try to find fonts, just accepts font files.  This
means that we can 1) have our own font list (bad, bad idea), 2) use the
GtkFontSelector (a pretty darn big widget), 3) grab the font-finding code
from GtkFontSelector, or 4) use standard X font code.  I'm thinking 3)
sounds easiest, but it might be tied in with the GdkFonts.

I do want text to be resizable eventually.  If you don't have that, you
can't, say, have classes of different sizes in your diagram look nice.
Also agreed.

If text can be resized, there's no reason to have a minimum size for
anything, is there?  Then resizing would be scaling, and thus 1.2 is the
Right Thing.  Would you want resizing to do other than scaling?  That
might be useful, but makes resizing more complex.
Whatever you say. ;) No, I think that the solution you propose is that
obvious even I didn't see it first. If I can lend a hand somewhere,
just tell me where to start.
I won't be coding anything for the entire next week, as I am going
off to Ragnarok <URL:>.  


Lars Clausen ( | Hårdgrim of Numenor
"I do not agree with a word that you say, but I    | Retainer of Sir Kegg
will defend to the death your right to say it."    |   of Westfield
    --Evelyn Beatrice Hall paraphrasing Voltaire   | Chaos Berserker of Khorne

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